Results for 'Daniel Juan Gil'

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  1. “Bare life” political order and the specter of antisocial being in Shakespeare's Julius caesar.Daniel Juan Gil - 2007 - Common Knowledge 13 (1):67-79.
  2. Gramáticos, humanistas, dómines.Juan Gil Fernández - 1980 - El Basilisco 9:20-30.
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    Modelling Meritocracy Democratic Transferences and Confucian Assumptions in The China Model.Juan Canteras & Javier Gil - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 7 (1).
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    El ejercicio de una razón de la ciudadanía.Daniel Juan Busdygan - 2023 - Tópicos 45:e0022.
    El siguiente artículo se inscribe dentro de los problemas de la deliberación y constituye un análisis de la razón pública rawlsiana. Apoyados en una concepción ralwsiana de razón pública entendemos que se pueden dar respuesta a las principales objeciones que se han planteado contra este modelo, particularmente, desde el modelo habermasiano. De allí que buscamos dar cuenta de lo propicio que es el umbral de apertura que propone el modelo.
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    Emotional Assessment in Spanish Youths With Antisocial Behavior.Juan García-García, María José Gil-Fenoy, María Blasa Sánchez-Barrera, Leticia de la Fuente-Sánchez, Elena Ortega-Campos, Flor Zaldívar-Basurto & Encarna Carmona-Samper - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:671851.
    Impaired emotional capacity in antisocial populations is a well-known reality. Taking the dimensional approach to the study of emotion, emotions are perceived as a disposition to action; they emerge from arousal of the appetitive or aversive system, and result in subjective, behavioral, and physiological responses that are modulated by the dimensions of valence, arousal, and dominance. This study uses the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) to study the interaction between the type of picture presented (pleasant, neutral, or unpleasant) and group (...)
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  6. A new well‐being atomism.Gil Hersch & Daniel Weltman - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 107 (1):3-23.
    Many philosophers reject the view that well-being over a lifetime is simply an aggregation of well-being at every moment of one's life, and thus they reject theories of well-being like hedonism and concurrentist desire satisfactionism. They raise concerns that such a view misses the importance of the relationships between moments in a person's life or the role narratives play in a person's well-being. In this article, we develop an atomist meta-theory of well-being, according to which the prudential value of a (...)
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    Exploring the Role of Meditation and Dispositional Mindfulness on Social Cognition Domains: A Controlled Study.Daniel Campos, Marta Modrego-Alarcón, Yolanda López-del-Hoyo, Manuel González-Panzano, William Van Gordon, Edo Shonin, Mayte Navarro-Gil & Javier García-Campayo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    It’s Not the Slope that Matters: Well-Being and Shapes of Lives.Gil Hersch & Daniel Weltman - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy.
    Many believe that an upward-sloping life is better than a downward-sloping life because of its shape. This is a common way of formulating the shape of a life hypothesis. We argue that the hypothesis is mistaken. We need not assume that there is something intrinsically valuable in the shape of one’s life to justify the tendency to judge an upward-sloping life as better than a downward sloping one. Instead, we can appeal to more fundamental and less controversial claims to justify (...)
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  9. It’s Not the Slope that Matters: Well-Being and Shapes of Lives.Gil Hersch & Daniel Weltman - forthcoming - Journal of Moral Philosophy.
    Many believe that an upward-sloping life is better than a downward-sloping life because of its shape. This is a common way of formulating the shape of a life hypothesis. We argue that the hypothesis is mistaken. We need not assume that there is something intrinsically valuable in the shape of one’s life to justify the tendency to judge an upward-sloping life as better than a downward sloping one. Instead, we can appeal to more fundamental and less controversial claims to justify (...)
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  10. Un futuro posible de la filosofía del derecho.Juan José Gil Cremades - 1975 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 15:65-81.
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  11. El bautismo como incorporación a la comunión eclesial en los escritos de Cipriano de Cartago.Juan Antonio Gil-Tamayo - 2008 - Verdad y Vida 66 (251):281-305.
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  12. What to do about science “misconceptions”.Daniel Gil‐Perez & Jaime Carrascosa - 1990 - Science Education 74 (5):531-540.
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  13. (1 other version)"Philosophia practica" y "philosophie des rechts": sobre tradición y revolución en la filosofía jurídica de Hegel.Juan José Gil Cremades - 1969 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 9:9-30.
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    (1 other version)Atrocidades civilizadas en la guerra contra los bárbaros. Principios del siglo XIXCivilized atrocities in the war against the barbarians. Early 19th century.Juan Francisco Jiménez, Daniel Villar & Sebastián Leandro Alioto - 2012 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 2 (2).
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  15. The Human Sciences and the Crisis of Epistemology: The Road to Heidegger's Critique of Modern Science.Juan Daniel Videla - 2001 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    This dissertation studies modern European philosophy's reflection the historical appearance of the human sciences, under the spell of either positivist ideology or historicism, while also making their scientific character a philosophical issue. The work thus hopes to situate the human sciences in an historical context out of which they become unintelligible: the philosophical reflection that, throughout late modernity, has registered their progressive appearance as disciplines of an uncertain and often questioned degree of scientificity. In this way, it challenges a standard (...)
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  16. La invasión de las sectas y las estrategias de reclutamiento. Los Testigos de Jehová.Juan Daniel Petrino - 1992 - Studium 32 (2):323-349.
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    (2 other versions)Dei paradigma Dei “mal legislador” al paradigma Dei “mal juez”.Cremades Juan José Gil - 1987 - Theoria 3 (1):109-119.
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    Teaching and Learning in Times of COVID-19: Uses of Digital Technologies During School Lockdowns.Juan-Ignacio Pozo, María-Puy Pérez Echeverría, Beatriz Cabellos & Daniel L. Sánchez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The closure of schools as a result of COVID-19 has been a critical global incident from which to rethink how education works in all our countries. Among the many changes generated by this crisis, all teaching became mediated by digital technologies. This paper intends to analyze the activities carried out during this time through digital technologies and the conceptions of teaching and learning that they reflect. We designed a Likert-type online questionnaire to measure the frequency of teaching activities. It was (...)
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    Web Ontologies to Categorialy Structure Reality: Representations of Human Emotional, Cognitive, and Motivational Processes.Juan-Miguel López-Gil, Rosa Gil & Roberto García - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Machine learning’s limitations in avoiding automation of bias.Daniel Varona, Yadira Lizama-Mue & Juan Luis Suárez - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):197-203.
    The use of predictive systems has become wider with the development of related computational methods, and the evolution of the sciences in which these methods are applied Solon and Selbst and Pedreschi et al.. The referred methods include machine learning techniques, face and/or voice recognition, temperature mapping, and other, within the artificial intelligence domain. These techniques are being applied to solve problems in socially and politically sensitive areas such as crime prevention and justice management, crowd management, and emotion analysis, just (...)
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    Influence of mentoring in Market Orientation: an empirical investigation.Juan Gabriel Cegarra Navarro & Daniel Jimenez - 2006 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2 (2):154.
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    From Models to Experiments; James Buchanan and Charles Plott.Gil Hersch & Daniel Houser - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 921-937.
    Buchanan’s work, and in particular The Calculus of Consent, which he wrote with Gordon Tullock, has been foundational in the field of public choicePublic choice. One of his students, Charles Plott, became a pioneer with multiple seminal contributions in the field of experimental public choice. In this chapter we focus on Buchanan’s work on decision making under majority rule, and any influence it may have had on Plott. While Buchanan and Tullock address environments with single decisions, they focus much more (...)
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    Social context of the issue of discriminatory algorithmic decision-making systems.Daniel Varona & Juan Luis Suarez - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2799-2811.
    Algorithmic decision-making systems have the potential to amplify existing discriminatory patterns and negatively affect perceptions of justice in society. There is a need for a revision of mechanisms to address discrimination in light of the unique challenges presented by these systems, which are not easily auditable or explainable. Research efforts to bring fairness to ADM solutions should be viewed as a matter of justice and trust among actors should be ensured through technology design. Ideas that move us to explore the (...)
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  24. From Models to Experiments.Gil Hersch & Daniel Houser - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 921-937.
    In this paper we discuss James Buchanan’s contribution in the narrow domain of understanding committee voting under majority rule. We then go on to discuss Charles Plott’s seminal experimental work on the topic that sparked a wave of public choice experimental work. However, given Plott’s claims that Buchanan influenced him significantly, it is puzzling that his work with Morris Fiorina explores a question outside of those which Buchanan and Tullock found interesting. We suggest several ways to resolve this tension. Our (...)
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  25. Manum ab episcopo et clero in pernitentiam impositam: el proceso penitencial en los escritos de Cipriano de Cartago.Juan Antonio Gil-Tamayo - 2006 - Revista Agustiniana 47 (142):57-80.
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    Modelling Meritocracy Democratic Transferences and Confucian Assumptions in The China Model.Canteras and Gil Juan and Javier - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 7 (1).
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    A Prospective Study of the Impact of Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation on EEG Correlates of Somatosensory Perception.Danielle D. Sliva, Christopher J. Black, Paul Bowary, Uday Agrawal, Juan F. Santoyo, Noah S. Philip, Benjamin D. Greenberg, Christopher I. Moore & Stephanie R. Jones - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Práctica social, economía alternativa y espacios de proximidad en la ciudad de Valladolid.Henar Pascual Ruiz-Valdepeñas, Esther Gil Álvarez & Juan Carlos Guerra Velasco - 2018 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 23:193-218.
    Durante la última década se ha producido un importante desarrollo de prácticas que formulan propuestas alternativas a los modos de producción, consumo e intercambio dominantes. Este artículo analiza el tejido de prácticas económicas alternativas en la ciudad de Valladolid, una ciudad media alejada de los contextos urbanos sobre los que se ha construido el cuerpo teórico que indaga en el potencial transformador de redes de consumo, mercados de trueque, bancos de tiempo, monedas sociales o huertos comunitarios. El trabajo, consciente del (...)
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  29. Agresiones al personal sanitario: consideraciones sobre la aplicación del delito de atentado.Itziar Casanueva Sanz, Juan Ignacio Echano Basaldúa & Soledad Gil Nobajas - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    Defending constructivism in science education.Daniel Gil-Pérez, Jenaro Guisasola, Antonio Moreno, Antonio Cachapuz, Anna M. Pessoa De Carvalho, Joaquín Martínez Torregrosa, Julia Salinas, Pablo Valdés, Eduardo González & Anna Gené Duch - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (6):557-571.
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    (1 other version)¡Padre, no se ande en eso! Borracheras y conversión: los pehuenche¡Padre, no se ande en eso! Feasts and conversion: the pehuenche of Rucalhue under the watchful eye of Fray Matud.Juan Francisco Jiménez, Sebastián Leandro Alioto & Daniel Villar - 2015 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 5 (2).
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    Leadership in Economy of Communion Companies. Contribution to the Common Good through Innovation.Ma Asunción Esteso-Blasco, María Gil-Marqués & Juan Sapena - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (1):77-101.
    Innovation is strongly associated with survival and growth of all kind of organizations in a global competitive economy. Moreover, nowadays companies are increasingly questioned on how they deliver innovative solutions to deep-seated problems, such as poverty. Our research aims to understand how Economy of Communion companies respond to this challenge by applying the logic of gratuitousness and giving. This paper examines the altruistic behaviour of EoC leaders and the connection with organizational innovation, necessary for firm’s survival in the long-term. We (...)
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    Comentario dramatológico de Su día gris de Roberto Navarrete Troncoso: crisis de la familia y la masculinidad.Juan Pablo Amaya González, Patricia Henríquez Puentes, Daniel Pereira Pereira & Nicolás Masquiarán - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (1):136-148.
    La figura de Roberto Navarrete Troncoso fue parte fundamental del Teatro de la Universidad de Concepción, porque contribuyó desde la escena -como actor, director y dramaturgo- en el desarrollo artístico de un elenco que fue motor importante del crecimiento cultural de la ciudad, pero también del país. El artículo se propone levantar su obra del olvido. Para ello analiza Su día gris desde el comentario dramatológico. Se afirma que la obra está en sintonía con una vertiente de la dramaturgia chilena (...)
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  34. Bringing pupils' learning closer to a scientific construction of knowledge: A permanent feature in innovations in science teaching.Daniel Gil‐Perez & Jaime Carrascosa‐Alis - 1994 - Science Education 78 (3):301-315.
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    La muerte de los otros. Un análisis comparado de la gestión de los espacios funerarios islámicos y judíos en la Comunidad de Madrid.Daniel Gil-Benumeya & Óscar Salguero Montaño - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e95093.
    La cuestión funeraria puede entenderse como un hecho social total que implica cuestiones de orden histórico, social, político, simbólico, jurídico o económico. Este estudio realiza un análisis comparado de las demandas y necesidades en materia funeraria de las comunidades judía y musulmana en el territorio de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid como caso de estudio. Ambas religiones comparten una historia de desarraigo y persecución en la sociedad española, configurada durante siglos como esencialmente católica, así como un proceso de recuperación y (...)
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    Zen Wisdom for Christians by Christopher Collingwood.Daniel Millet Gil - 2020 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 40 (1):475-479.
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    Chronica Hispana saeculi VIII et IX, cura et studio Juan Gil.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (2):626-629.
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    Introducción a la filosofía del lenguaje.Juan José Acero, Eduardo Bustos & Daniel Quesada - 1982 - Catedra Ediciones.
    Este libro está dirigido a quien desee familiarizarse con los problemas clásicos y contemporáneos de la ética. Pero también está escrito desde un punto de vista y refleja una posición personal de l autora en torno a esta disciplina. En este libro se encontrarán nociones sobre un saber sistematizado que constituye el corazón de los conocimientos filosóficos. Pero en cuanto que la ética nos muestra esa pequeña pero poderosa arma que constituye la voluntad de transformación, liberación y cambio del ser (...)
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    Scriptores muzarabici saeculi VIII-XI, cura et studio Juan Gil.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2022 - Augustinianum 62 (1):273-275.
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    Hacia una imagen no deformada de la actividad científica.Jaime Carrascosa Alís, Daniel Gil Pérez & Isabel Fernández Montoro - 2001 - Endoxa 1 (14):228.
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    Platón, San Agustín y San Anselmo.Jaime Vilarroig Martin, Juan Manuel Monfort Prades & José María Mira de Orduña Gil - 2023 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 24:25-51.
    El humanismo contemporáneo se enfrenta al relativismo epistemológico. Si no hay una noción clara de verdad, tampoco puede haberla de la verdad del ser humano. Buscando en la tradición filosófica, nos proponemos indagar en la obra de tres referentes para el tema de la verdad: Platón, San Agustín y San Anselmo. A los tres les une un aire de familia; a la evidente relación entre San Agustín y San Anselmo se le une el hecho de que ambos bebieron de las (...)
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    Vives, Vitoria y Mariana: Religión y Progreso Social.Jaime Vilarroig Martín, José María Mira de Orduña Y. Gil & Juan Manuel Monfort Prades - 2020 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 3 (1).
    Se proponen tres ejemplos históricos para mostrar cómo la religión, en la forma del cristianismo católico, ha promovido el avance de la filosofía moral o la filosofía social. Frente a posiciones que entienden que la religión tiene como función principal la conservación del status quo de una sociedad en particular (Marx o Durkheim) estos casos notables muestran que más bien es al contrario: las motivaciones religiosas han provocado cambios en la forma de pensar que inevitablemente implican cambios en el modo (...)
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    Dielectric anomalous response of water at 60 °C.Juan C. del Valle, Enrique Camarillo, Laura Martinez Maestro, Julio A. Gonzalo, Carmen Aragó, Manuel Marqués, Daniel Jaque, Ginés Lifante, José García Solé, Karla Santacruz-Gómez, Roberto C. Carrillo-Torres & Francisco Jaque - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (7):683-690.
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    Values in nursing students and professionals.F. Rosa Jiménez-López, Jesus Gil Roales-Nieto, Guillermo Vallejo Seco & Juan Preciado - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (1):79-91.
    Background: Many studies have explored personal values in nursing, but none has assessed whether the predictions made by the theory of intergenerational value change are true for the different generations of nursing professionals and students. This theory predicts a shift in those personal values held by younger generations towards ones focussed on self-expression. Research question: The purpose of the study was to identify intergenerational differences in personal values among nursing professionals and nursing students and to determine whether generational value profiles (...)
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    Differences Between High vs. Low Performance Chess Players in Heart Rate Variability During Chess Problems.Juan P. Fuentes-García, Santos Villafaina, Daniel Collado-Mateo, Ricardo de la Vega, Pedro R. Olivares & Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) has been considered as a measure of heart-brain interaction and autonomic modulation, and it is modified by cognitive and attentional tasks. In cognitive tasks, HRV was reduced in participants who achieved worse results. This could indicate the possibility of HRV predicting cognitive performance, but this association is still unclear in a high cognitive load sport such as chess Objective: To analyse modifications on HRV and subjective perception of stress, difficulty and complexity in different chess problem (...)
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  46. La santidad como introducción a la ontología en Gabriel Marcel.Juan Daniel Alcorlo San José - 1999 - Verdad y Vida 57 (224):71-92.
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  47. When is Green Nudging Ethically Permissible?C. Tyler DesRoches, Daniel Fischer, Julia Silver, Philip Arthur, Rebecca Livernois, Timara Crichlow, Gil Hersch, Michiru Nagatsu & Joshua K. Abbott - 2023 - Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 60:101236.
    This review article provides a new perspective on the ethics of green nudging. We advance a new model for assessing the ethical permissibility of green nudges (GNs). On this model, which provides normative guidance for policymakers, a GN is ethically permissible when the intervention is (1) efficacious, (2) cost-effective, and (3) the advantages of the GN (i.e. reducing the environmental harm) are not outweighed by countervailing costs/harms (i.e. for nudgees). While traditional ethical objections to nudges (paternalism, etc.) remain potential normative (...)
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    Explanation-based learning:A problem solving perspective.Steven Minton, Jaime G. Carbonell, Craig A. Knoblock, Daniel R. Kuokka, Oren Etzioni & Yolanda Gil - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 40 (1-3):63-118.
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    El Derecho Administrativo a partir del cine colombiano: Dos mujeres y una vaca y El abrazo de la serpiente.Juan Pablo Quintero López, Daniel Felipe Castaño Mesa & Juliana Andrea Pérez Betancurt - 2021 - Ratio Juris 16 (33):549-564.
    El artículo es uno de los resultados de la tesis denominada: El derecho administrativo desde el nuevo contexto constitucional a partir del cine colombiano: Dos mujeres y una vaca y El abrazo de la serpiente, realizada como trabajo final para la Maestría en Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana. En el artículo Cine y Derecho se plantean como dos producciones culturales de honda trascendencia en las sociedades actuales y, particularmente el cine aborda nuevas miradas sobre diversos fenómenos sociales, políticos (...)
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    Internet Gaming Disorder in Adolescents: Personality, Psychopathology and Evaluation of a Psychological Intervention Combined With Parent Psychoeducation.Vega González-Bueso, Juan J. Santamaría, Daniel Fernández, Laura Merino, Elena Montero, Susana Jiménez-Murcia, Amparo del Pino-Gutiérrez & Joan Ribas - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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